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Admission Application

Applicants must upload the following documents to the online application system before application due date.

(1) Certificate of highest-level diploma and transcript:

a. One photocopy of diploma in Chinese or English issued by the institution.

  • For undergraduate programs, please provide a high school diploma; for master’s programs, please provide a bachelor’s degree diploma; for doctoral programs, please provide a master’s degree diploma.
  • If you are currently studying at an institution, please submit proof of enrollment with the institution's anticipated graduation time.
  • For Taiwanese university graduates, please submit the diploma in CHINESE.

b. One photocopy of the transcript in Chinese or English issued by the institution.

  • Applicants for Ph.D. programs should provide both bachelor’s and master’s transcripts.

(2) One photocopy of financial statement in Chinese or English.

a. All applicants must provide a financial statement within 3 months of the application time frame of at least USD4,000 or NTD120,000.

b.Full scholarship recipients can provide their scholarship certificate instead (scholarship application form not accepted).

c. If the financial statement is not in the applicant’s name, a declaration with a sponsor's signature must be included, stating the relationship with the applicant and guaranteeing responsibility for all of applicant's expenses in Taiwan.

(3)A photocopy of a Certificate of Citizenship: i.e., passport, residence certificate or birth certificate.

(4) Certificate of Citizenship Renouncement of Republic of China (if applicable): Required for applicants who once held citizenship of the Republic of China. Applicants must have renounced their citizenship for at least 8 years (from the date of the certificate to the first day of the Fall Semester, August 1st, 2024. For the Spring Semester, it should be February 1st, 2025).

(5) Other materials required for the NSYSU Scholarship for International Students (if applicable): Please refer to https://oia.nsysu.edu.tw/p/412-1308-20732.php?Lang=en for more details.

(6) Other materials required by specific undergraduate/graduate programs (if applicable): Please refer to each department/institute's required documents from page 8.

※OIA does not accept any documents submitted in hard copy form (except recommendation letters). Please contact the office at intadmission@mail.nsysu.edu.tw if any uploading problems occur.

※ The above documents (1) – (4) need to be uploaded successfully and accepted after review to be passed to the departments/institutes for final assessment.

Selection Process

The selection is primarily based on application materials review. Additional written tests, phone or video interviews are subject to each department/program’s policy. If additional tests or interviews are required, the department/program will contact the applicant directly.

How to apply

(1) Application form can ONLY be completed online. Please visit
(2) Please complete the application procedure online, upload all required documents and press “Submit.” Only applications completed and received before the application due date can be accepted.
(3)  Each applicant may apply for two undergraduate/graduate programs at most and one group within each undergraduate/graduate program at most; when applying for two undergraduate/graduate programs, please submit required documents individually for each program. Applicants accepted for both programs can only choose to enroll in one program.
(4) No documents submitted with the application will be returned regardless of the applicant’s admission status. Please keep personal copies for future reference.